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#1 30 Jun 2006 10:00 am
- quaker
- Member
- Registered: Jun 2006
- Posts: 10
i downloaded the bf2rank and uploaded it to my site what do i got to configure to make it work?
is the location
i get a rank unavailable..
is there some type of instructions? that im missing.. i downloaded the zip file called bf2rank..
and droped it in my website.

#2 30 Jun 2006 10:20 am
- quaker
- Member
- Registered: Jun 2006
- Posts: 10
Re: bf2rank
ok i see it is not a direct script u must like to it... thanks.. i like it......
can it be designed to me a direct script... to maybe made into a mod that could be used on a gaming clan site? or added to the profile of a punbb user profile? so they can imput there pid number and display that as there bf2 icon???

#3 30 Jun 2006 12:10 pm
Re: bf2rank
this server doesnt have mod_rewrite (which is why you have to enter ?nick=yournick as opposed to doing /bf2rank/younick) but thats a pretty easy thing to do (though I havent looked into it).
also, make sure you get the current code base for it (which I've been too lazy to repack in the download) here (copy the code there into your index.php file and save it).
I'll post the total stats library when I'm done.
EDIT: I repacked the zip w/ everything you need so you can redownload it if thats easier.
#4 30 Jun 2006 3:41 pm
- quaker
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- Registered: Jun 2006
- Posts: 10
Re: bf2rank
that kewl thanks.... i have been trying to make phpbb skin moded to punbb for a while .. and i have had a few gaming clans ask me to design the a punbb skin..
so far i have mad 3 or 4 and got about 4or 5 that i need to finish..haha..
now if i can figure out how to get a submit function in the pid=<?php echo *pid number* ?> part and then the user can submit it then next to print the results out on there user profile.
but i dont know anything about php just to hack code together to make it
mod_rewrite can that not be done with a .htacess file?
big fav how did you make ur signature block? listing all the bf2 stuff?
thanks for all the help!

#5 30 Jun 2006 4:24 pm
Re: bf2rank
mod_rewrite is done through the htaccess file. this server isnt being run on apachebut i dont know anything about php just to hack code together to make it
mod_rewrite can that not be done with a .htacess file?

the image is from, the stats are done (when you click on it) are of course by bf2s.big fav how did you make ur signature block? listing all the bf2 stuff?
I also made an unlock script. I havent updated it since special forces came out, so it only shows the bf2 unlocks:
no idea what you're talking about if i can figure out how to get a submit function in the pid=<?php echo *pid number* ?> part and then the user can submit it then next to print the results out on there user profile.
the script for the avatar takes a nick name as well (atleast the updated version does).
#6 30 Jun 2006 4:47 pm
- quaker
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- Registered: Jun 2006
- Posts: 10
Re: bf2rank
ok there some thing out there in php land.. if you need to fill in a txt area.. and then print the whole thing on a page.. i hope that make sense

#7 30 Jun 2006 4:50 pm
- quaker
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- Registered: Jun 2006
- Posts: 10
Re: bf2rank
Last edited by quaker (30 Jun 2006 4:50 pm)

#8 30 Jun 2006 11:27 pm
Re: bf2rank
still think I'm missing what you're talking about, but yes you can write out directly to the contents of a page (like the value of a textbox or check box, or in this case an image) using php.quaker :
ok there some thing out there in php land.. if you need to fill in a txt area.. and then print the whole thing on a page.. i hope that make sense
on another note, I havent integrated it into the topic level, but if you click on my name, you'll see my bf2 nick and my rank avatar.
fill your bf2nick info in, and it'll show yours too.
is that the type of thing you were looking for?
#9 01 Jul 2006 2:02 am
- quaker
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- Registered: Jun 2006
- Posts: 10
Re: bf2rank
ok.. i create a php page with a label of the txt area called bf2 stats. then once you it fills in the user bf2 pid ID. then you click submit! it displays it on the same page.
like on the register form for punbb. user name pass then bf2 stats area where the pid is typed in.
so now when i view the profile it display it out on the user profile page. maybe it write a hard copy to the user profile coding

#11 01 Jul 2006 2:17 am
#12 01 Jul 2006 8:08 am
Re: bf2rank
go to
create an account.
choose a style of signature (that is the one w/ bf2 and special forces)
it will give you a link for an image like mine (with your stats).
drawing that is no easy task. those are most likely being generated on a windows machine, or using a really nice graphics library. the rank image I'm drawing is using GD graphics which sucks compared to GDI or GDI+ from windows.
you can do what you're talking about with the library I'm working on, but its not done yet. it just pulls all the stats for you, you'd have to write the code that draws the actual images for the awards, scores, and general stats like that sig (and the rank avatar) does. there are a ton of sites that can generate those types of images, but is the best looking one. they have a pretty powerful setup doing those.
you can try out what I have so far (no awards / unlocks data yet, just stats)
#14 01 Jul 2006 10:11 am
- quaker
- Member
- Registered: Jun 2006
- Posts: 10
Re: bf2rank
thanks for all the help!
i like the index link you gave me for the array.. that sorta what i was talking about but the output is that image. but all that is in the user profile
